torsdag 1. mai 2008

Zemanta - to whom it might concern

Zemanta Firefox pluginImage by Tom Raftery via FlickrAll right, here is another gadget for you to try out. Maybe it is a bit odd to put it in this blog, I should probably rather place this post in Great Teacher's Society. Maybe I will, too, because it would be rather awkward to start blogging in English here. The thing is, I've downloaded Zemanta, a tool that suggests images and links based on what you are writing about, and then you can add them directly to your blog posts. It updates itself in every 300 characters you write. Unfortunately it works best in English. Anyway, I guess I am still able to make up my blogposts without this, too, but as you know, I'm always on the lookout for new toys.

1 kommentar:

Zemantic dreams sa...

Just wanted to let you know we just released new version of Zemanta. Now Live Writer is supported.

You can get it at


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